Биография преподавателя

In January 2024, it's been 21 years since I started my journey as a makeup artist. Over time, I've added eyebrow correction, hair-styling, and eventually began teaching women about beauty. Several years ago, I expanded my expertise to include nutrition and healthcare.

I pay extra attention to the purity of the products I use in my work and recommend to my clients and students, as the quality of ingredients affects both skin quality and overall health.

Many of you may not realize how harmful the majority of ingredients in common beauty products and supplements sold in stores/pharmacies, or found in your bathrooms, can be!

My goal is to share information about high-quality, multi-functional products that benefit in every way and work in harmony with our bodies and nature itself! And, of course, I gladly share all my knowledge and techniques to help women enhance their beauty both inside and out. ♡

Курсы учителя

Научись выполнять самую популярную салонную процедуру по коррекции формы бровей, которая включает в себя окраску, работу воском и нитью, а также мн...
Лекции 28
For yourself
20 часов
€21.90 €9.90
Внимание! Интерфейс курса настроен под экран компьютера, поэтому если ты сейчас смотришь его с телефона, просто поверни экран горизонтально, чтобы ...
Лекции 21
20 часов